Registered User
Do you have a login?
Enter the username and password to access My Account.
Your user name should be your email address in the following sample format: [email protected].
Your password must contain at least 8 characters with at least 3 of the following categories:
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Special characters (ex: !, @, #, $)
Once your username and password are successful, you will be asked to verify your identity.
New User
If you don't have a login, register now.
Once registered you can access My Account with your username and password to perform any of the following actions:
- Check the underwriting status of your pending applications
- Manage your account online
- View your life, disability and personal umbrella insurance policies
- Update your personal information
- Make a payment
- View your policy details and print your certificate of insurance
- View your annual cash refund history
CPA Easy Pay
Just want to make a payment?
No registration required to use CPA Easy Pay for life, disability and long-term care insurance payments.
Assigned policies cannot be paid using CPA Easy Pay.